It has become abundantly clear to many Americans that what the majority of voters were seeking when voting for Sarah Palin was to get somebody in there who was more like themselves…with a dislike for excellence and education, the unsophisticated and bland type of person that would exemplify conformity and mediocrity. Sarah Palin fit that image to a T.
Let us continue with our imaginary voyage into a not too far-fetched future where Sarah Palin and the Republican Tea Baggers have won both houses of Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012.
It is now January 2014 and exactly one year after the Inauguration of Sarah Palin as President of the United States. Here are some of the major developments that have occurred since that fateful day.
Constitutional Law is still suspended as we are now entering
the tenth month of Martial Law. The Government has announced that the mid-term elections scheduled for November will not be held because of the severity of civil unrest and the inability of law enforcement to maintain the peace.
Most big cities have eliminated their police forces and closed all stations handing over the responsibility of protecting the public and keeping the peace to the National Guard. For the most part this has been necessary to do as most municipalities lack the funds to pay their law enforcement personnel and keep the operations running.
The crime rate across the nation has increased 920% since before the elections. Burglaries, muggings, home invasions and looting are commonplace these days. There are no figures available for these as the personnel in charge of keeping these records have long been laid off. There is also no official numbers for homicides but bodies are found in fields and in the streets on a daily basis. Most of these have their hands tied and there appears to be one single gunshot to the head.
The prison population rose from 2,310,984 prisoners were held in federal or state prisons or in local jails – an increase of 0.8% from yearend 2007, less than the average annual growth of 2.4% from 2000-2007. Now it is estimated that there are over 5,200,000 in correctional institutions that are bursting at the seams. The disease and malnutrition is eliminating great numbers and there have been make-shift temporary detainment centers opened throughout the land, some in auditoriums and arenas. Concentration camps are sprouting up in the Midwest and Northeast to add to the number already in existence in Arizona and Texas.
Gone are all the rainbow flags and the gay bars. Homosexuals are invisible or taken to exile. All government buildings now display the Ten Commandments and signs that read: “White, Anglo-Saxon, Christian Protestant, Heterosexual America, if you don’t like it, leave it”
It is hard to find flower shops, male hair dressers, fashion magazines as all fashion designers have either gone to Europe or Brazil. There are no interior decorators or male wedding planners. Barney Frank and his partner are now living in Amsterdam where he is forming a government in exile.
Other famous or prominent Americans are living in exile. Bill and Melinda Gates are in London permanently after giving away half of their fortune and then losing billions to the economic crisis..they are just rich, not multi-billionaires they declared.
Oprah Winfrey is living in Liberia, ex-Presidents Clinton and Carter are in the Dominican Republic, Brad and Angelina live in Spain, Rachel Maddow is in Canada with her partner, Keith Olberman is in London where he anchors a cable news show and many others, a list too long to write.
In most cities under bridges and in the public parks and adjacent country side shanty towns have propped up. These lack the most basic services such as toilets or running water. The National Guard will stay away from even entering any of these and they are now reminiscent of the Brazilian “Favelas” or shanty towns. There is no law or any kind of governance system, only the hierarchy of gangs and their established unwritten laws.
Since all public schools are closed, children as young as 6 or 7 years old are roaming the streets begging or foraging for food in dumpsters or knocking at doors begging for food.
There are still some more affluent members of the society that have been able to take refuge in their gated communities and are holding on, almost oblivious to the misery outside the walls of their little enclaves. Their biggest problem is being able to purchase groceries and maintain their properties as they are not able to venture out of their fortified heavens. It has become increasingly more difficult for them to feed themselves as the grocery stores outside their compounds are closed, perhaps burned or looted. Sometimes when they get to the stores they find the hours curtailed and if they are open then they go in to see empty shelves. It is clear that their wealth is unable to insulate them from the shortages or the blackouts. Water also has been sporadic as the cities are forced to shut off water supplies to economize on this service; often city water is only available for one or two hours per day.
The devaluation of the dollar has had catastrophic effects. The new issued “buck” is worth $49 of the old dollars. Gasoline stations have long lines like we had in the 70’s. A gallon of gas sells for an average of $10.00; or $490.00 per gallon of the old money.
Spontaneous demonstrations are being seen in cities, one of these was one recently in Miami where over 20,000 Latina women took to the streets with pots and pans and banged on them for hours.
For the first time in history the GNP (Gross National Product) has seen a decline and into negative double digit numbers. There are no more figures available for either the rates of unemployment or homelessness.
One of the saddest stories besides the abandoned and unsupervised children running in the streets is that of the different zoos throughout the country. They closed their doors shortly after the Wall Street Crash and animals have either starved to death or have been released to the wild when it is feasible. Their emaciated bodies are testament of the times.
The collapse of the American economy, banking and stock markets have had wide repercussions worldwide. Most of the industrialized nations have entered into a deep economic crisis and the other less affluent countries are suffering from even more catastrophic effects such as famine and civil unrest. Meantime Sarah Palin took a three week vacation back in her state of Alaska...where she did a lot of fishing and moose hunting.
Wars have broken out in Palestine and in Somalia, the situation in the Congo is incredibly gory, North Korea has been making incursions into South Korean territory intermittently now for more than three months. Venezuela and Colombia are now entering their 6th month of armed conflict and the government of Cuba has finally collapsed after 51 years of rule. There is a very bloody civil war occurring in Cuba at the moment and it doesn’t seem to have an end in sight as scores are being settled from the abuses of the totalitarian regime that has collapsed.
Nicaragua has restored a Socialist government headed by Manuel Noriega and declared war on neighboring Honduras. El Salvador has resumed a civil war and nobody knows what the outcome will be.
The former Soviet Republics are under threat of Russian invasion and the only places that seem to be enjoying relative peace are Iran and Iraq as their governments have now signed mutual agreements to come to each other’s defense in case of aggression by a foreign power.
Afghanistan soon after the exit of American forces has fallen in the hands of the Taliban and is now the center of terrorism training and a safe haven for their operations. President Obama was blamed for this failure.
There seems to be only one country that has avoided serious financial crisis or shortages and is now enjoying relative peace. One of the most unlikely candidates among countries has emerged to assume first class status as a nation: Brazil. Brazil is totally energy independent and its industries continue to produce automobiles that run on home-grown ethanol, airplane factories and other heavy equipment manufacturing are keeping the country humming, often replacing the void that America has left behind.
Brazil is now the number one world superpower even contesting the European Union which is beleaguered with crisis as the leading nation, even sponsoring the relocation of the United Nations to the capital city of Brasilia. They have footed the bill for this move even erecting a very luxurious building to house the international organization now renamed “Governo Mundial de paz” (world peace government) There is also a new Stock Market and it has the headquarters in Sao Paulo Brazil.
There is a lot of unrest and violence in America. There are glimmers of hope however as it is a known fact that a lot of people have gone underground and in hiding. A clandestine organization has emerged and it is extremely secretive and totally out of the radar of authorities. They conduct terrorist activities ranging from the bombing of Evangelical Churches to the kidnapping and execution of Palin’s officials. The latest of these was a high Palin government advisor who was kidnapped from a Washington restaurant and his body appeared the next day floating on the Potomac, just a few yards away from the Lincoln Monument.
The Evangelicals are now running scared as some of their more outspoken leaders have been systematically targeted and killed. They are now denouncing the Palin government as totalitarian, repressive un-Christian and as a repressive and tyrannical dictatorship.
America is poised to undergo yet a second renaissance, perhaps a civil war is inevitable but one thing is certain, the Tea Baggers and the idiots that spawned the movement and eventual election of Palin are doomed to fail and perish under their own incompetence.
A most unusual organization has emerged that has its roots in the World War II group of Comanche and Navajo Code Talkers, America's Secret Weapon; they were the ones who successfully Scrambled Secret Military Communications in WWII. These Native American languages are being taught in living rooms across America under the nose of the National Guard. The organization is said to have three or four million followers.
But undisclosed sources also say that the National Guard is poised to execute a Coup d’état and jail President Palin and all of her cabinet. Everyone in America is waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I hope that this brings you up to date on the wonderful accomplishments of the Tea Bag Party and the culture wars it created.
PHOTO CREDITS: http://filelibrary.myaasite.com/Content/20/20369/21351579.jpg