Tuesday, September 28, 2010



When you realize the anxiety, the hatred, the misunderstanding and the lies that the Morons Mormons caused and employed there is no freaking way they are going to sweep that under the carpet. We are not just indignant, we are downright pissed and will not accept any of their apologies…not that there are any coming any time soon.

However, I have said this before and I will say it again, when it starts to hurt their pocket book they will find a way to accept gay people into their religion. Somehow one of their self anointed “prophets” will have a miraculous vision that will reveal an apparition of the Holy Spirit in which he received instructions to allow gays into LDS…much in the same way that they allowed blacks after some asshole “prophet” got the word from above…and the polygamy thing before that. And just you wait when they find out that gay people are affluent and have a lot of disposable income…they will be knocking on our doors and offer to marry us in exchange for tithings.

The nasty Mormon Moron Church is spending millions to repair their badly tarnished image after their fight to get Prop8 passed in California. Apparently tens of thousands of members have left the church over their discriminatory actions and the media fall out was harsh. So now they are embarking on a $20 million dollar campaign to rebuild their hateful image. Good luck assholes....

Having suffered a blistering blow the last two years to its already shaky image, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) has begun a massive multi-media campaign to come back from the depths of unfavorability in the national polls. They're spending millions and millions of dollars in an unprecedented national advertising campaign on television and radio. They also launched a new web site Mormon.org, all in an attempt to fix its PR problems.

SOURCE: http://www.izzoiz.com/