When you put the Republican Party’s interest before you put the best interest of your country and in the process of doing so you hurt so many millions of people…to me, in my book, you are a traitor. You are nothing but un-American scum, a low life and a fanatical right wing asshole.
Just remember 9/11
This is the New America
The surprising 2012 election results, Sara Palin as she is declared the winner in a four way Presidential race. Vice President elect Hucklebee has said that America will now change and get back in the right track.
Palin ran on a “get back America” platform on the new Tea Bag party against Incumbent President Barack Obama , Republican Party candidate Mitt Romney and Independent candidate Ron Paul. Palin received 34% of the votes and won a majority of the Electoral College vote. President Obama trailed her with 32% and Mitt Romney with 22%. Ron Paul only obtained 13% of the votes.
Two days after the elections widespread racial riots erupted in more than a dozen American cities as a result of widespread claims of voting irregularities and reported voter fraud on the part of the Tea Bag party. Police authorities were placed strategically around polling places and would stop and intimidate black and Latino voters to prevent them from casting their vote. Also, it was reported that hundreds of thousand church owned buses and vans were put into action to carry conservative and church members to the polls.
Sara Palin announces some of her appointments for her new cabinet

The youngest, prettiest and dumbest
Secretary of State ever, Carry Prajean
Joe Lieberman, Ambassador to Israel
United Nations Ambassador Rudy Giulianni (last one from the US as the country will end participation in that international body) and has expressed Sara Palin’s desire that the UN building be vacated within a year of her taking office.

Michelle Bachman, Secretary of Education announced that Science will not be taught in our public schools, those that will remain open will only teach Creationism. Bachman said the concept of evolution is outdated and Darwin was a fraud. America has been officially declared “A Christian Nation”
When she was asked by a reporter what was the explanation for all the fossils found everywhere that indicated the world to be over 4 billion years old, she said that ”it was God’s way of testing our faith, he put them there to confuse non-believers” She also announced that school Christian prayers will be required of all students after the morning Pledge of Allegiance and another prayer at the end of the school day. She then handed the microphone over to Orly Taitz who explained everything.
Virginia Fox, Secretary of the Treasury announced the devaluation of the dollar to 71% of its former value.
Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of Defense has announced the pulling out of troops from Korea, Germany, Afghanistan and the few that are left in Iraq. He cited the financial stress on our economy and said to the rest of the world: “It is your baby now”
Before her Inauguration Sara Palin announced that no Gay Pride Parades will be allowed in any city across America as such displays of debauchery and abomination will not be tolerated under her administration. She signed a new legislation that will make homosexuality a federal crime punishable by death as one of her first after the inauguration. Gay Pride parades took place anyway in San Francisco and New York only to be dispersed by water hoses and hundreds carried off to jails.
January 2013, Sarah Palin becomes the 45th President of the United States
Presidential Chief of Staff Carl Rove announced in an interview on “Meet the Press” Sunday that the United States will forfeit repayment of the debt to the Chinese.
Monday morning there was a precipitous and catastrophic drop in stocks and bonds on Wall Street brought about by Rove’s statements. The Stock Market crash of Monday was estimated to be 100 times worse than the one In 1929
By Monday afternoon, and Tuesday morning, a nationwide run on the banks occurred. Many closed their doors as they were unable to produce cash to respond for the demand of the withdrawals.

Chinese government officials formally request the United States pay its debt immediately
The Saudi King announces a formal request to the United States to pay the billions owed to his nation and threatens to close all the military bases America has in that country
The weather had also gone crazy, the worst winter storm in 100 years blanketed the nation with snow and widespread blackouts reported in all major cities. It is reported that there are more than 58 million households without power in the Northeast and Midwest
Unemployment figures are estimated as high as 32% in some areas of the country. New claims are overwhelming the already beleaguered unemployment offices across the nation. Experts estimate that unemployment could reach the unprecedented high of 42 percent by summer. Some states already have suspended the unemployment benefit programs due to lack of funds
New riots broke out throughout the country to protest the unemployment, and the run on the banks. Hundreds of thousand buildings are but destroyed shells.
In a press conference on Friday, Dana Perino the administration spokesperson announced that martial law will be declared and all Constitutional guarantees will be suspended until further notice
Widespread panic in the nation over the deployment of National Guard troops equipped with tanks to quench the riots.
Hundreds lie dead in the streets as troops fired tear gas and blank bullets but these failed to disperse crowds in New Jersey and Los Angeles. The National Guard Troops then began to shoot live bullets claiming they were shooting the alleged looters
A Constitutional Amendment was enacted making the definition of marriage between a man and a woman part of the Federal Constitution even if it he Constitution is not in effect at the moment
Hundreds of thousands were being apprehended Tuesday by Federal and local authorities. These included all those of the Muslim faith, some of the left liberals accused of inciting the riots and a great number of homosexuals who had been monitored when Google was forced to divulge all those visiting gay pornographic sites.
More than 11 million aliens were being gathered and put into buses in a massive deportation effort by the Palin administration. It is estimated that at this pace, the repatriation program will take more than 6 weeks. The fence along the Mexican border has been improved and over 50,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are being stationed across the United States-Mexico border to prevent any crossings. Curiously, there were more Americans leaving into Mexico and the Mexican government has declared a state of emergency as thousands of Americans take refuge in Mexico and Canada. There were no Mexicans trying to cross into the United States. The largest number of these refugees were homosexuals fearing the persecution and the prospects of being apprehended and tried under the new anti-gay laws.
Civilian casualties are numerous in our cities and
gun ownership quadrupled in2013
Citizens shot point blank in streets for opposing the Palin government
The Human Rights Campaign was declared a subversive and terrorist organization, some of their leaders have been incarcerated and declared “enemy combatants”
Many appear shot to death in our streets every morning, it is not known who kills them or the reasons, but we find that they are members of minorities or homosexuals. It is said to be the biggest ethnic cleansing ever to take place as Muslims, Blacks and Latinos are targeted as well.
Death penalty is carried out in some states now for homosexuals accused in trumped up charges of being predators or underage sexual offenders
The Canadian Government announced that they were overwhelmed by the number of political asylum applications. They estimate the numbers to be over 1.2 million applicants. The group includes American Blacks, Muslim-Americans and homosexuals.
Conversely, the Mexican Government announced they will no longer be able to accept any more American refugees. The numbers of senior citizens and homosexuals have been reported to exceed 2 million as they flee the embattled cities and the persecution.
All public schools have been closed until further notice, some sold to private religious academies to re-open their doors as religious schools, home schooling is recommended and preferred.

A new dress code for women has been established nationwide.
It was also announced that women will no longer be accepted in public universities and that all women in the Federal payroll will be put on furlough until further notice.
Attacks on Muslim-Americans are commonplace and the American Eagle, after being declared an extinct species has now been replaced by the more prolific and abundant vulture as a symbol of our nation.
Executions of homosexuals are conducted in some states after summarily tried and convicted of acts against nature and abominations against The Lord. Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama leading the nation in the number of cases of individuals executed.
Bushvilles are now called Palinvilles and the whole Tea Bag Party ideology dubbed “Palintology”
The number of home foreclosures was announced at a historical high of 52 million. Also the increase in evictions from rented properties also reached an all time record. It is estimated that more than 45 million Americans are now homeless. Soup kitchens reminiscent of the Great Depression days are not able to feed the hungry. America has now joined the third world jockeying for a position among the poorest nations.
This is the America they wanted, “Bring my America back” used to be the cry of many of the tea baggers in 2009. Now they have it…Enjoy it you mother fuckers