Monday, September 27, 2010



Let me get this straight…you think that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Public Education are but Socialist Endeavors and because they are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution they should not exist…done away with, privatized, eliminated…the government should not have these things…that is SOCIALISM?

And you claim to be a Christian too? Before there was Social Security America’s elderly used to die from starvation and neglect. Even today most seniors live way below the poverty level that the rest of us think would be unacceptable and extreme hardship. And your answer is: “Well, they should have saved for their old age, they should have put some away for their golden years”….Listen douche bags; some of us did, we had 401Ks and Pension Plans and the Wall Street FAT CATS took it away from us. Besides haven’t you heard that a great many people in America live from paycheck to paycheck? And do you know why that is? Because it is good for business to have unemployment and low wages…they can advertise for a job opening and have one hundred applicants. Do I need to say more?

It doesn’t bother you that Insurance Companies deny care to people for pre-existing conditions? They can drop your policy if you are sick and eating into their profits. And there should not be any government regulations or interference so that this doesn’t happen? What about when you get old, particularly when you get old more ailments are surfacing and since your only income is Social Security you can’t even afford to take care of a sickness that is both preventable and curable; so you die. And this doesn’t face you in the least?

Of course not…you are a proponent of a pure free enterprise system…less government, smaller government, less regulations. After all, Social Security and Medicare are not specifically prescribed by our forefathers in our Constitution. But then again, neither is an Air Force. Think about it…think about not calling yourself a Christian any more either because Charity and taking care of your fellow human being is one of the most important characteristics of the Christian philosophy.

Of course you want no regulations either…no FDA, no consumer protection, nothing that would interfere with the free market system. Let Wall Street and the banks operate freely, allow them to make their own adjustments and decide what is best for the economy…after all these industries would take care of themselves…they can and will choose the right thing to do, they can police themselves. Or can they? Does the Stock Market Crash of 1929 ring a bell? How about the one in 2008? What about the misery and hardship we are still going through right now due to precisely the systematic elimination of regulations that got us into this mess? But no…I have to read the Constitution. It is not there therefore it is unconstitutional…You Tea Bagger Republicans are either not very smart or totally void of compassion.