Ever since Karl Rove got a handle of the tenor and the shaping of political campaigns we have seen a significant deterioration of civility, fair play and the dissemination of lies, repeated time and time again ignoring facts and just waiting for the gullible voter to be convinced that these are truths.
What we have in America today in Republican politics is appalling and repugnant. Not only am I concerned that the country is hopelessly divided along racial and
religious lines but also that it only responds to fear
mongering and to the basest and most prurient of human
Make no mistake about it, these Republicans…and I am including even the most mainstream moderates because they are voting strictly according to party lines…they are nasty, vile and have no respect for our country, our Constitution or our President as long as they discredit Democrats so they can get back into power. Such is the resolve; such is the fanaticism these people display that even the love of their country, the very patriotism they boast to possess is ignored. These people are not acting in the best interest of America…they think that some of these “casualties” like the decimation of the middle class are but inconveniences in the road to regaining Congress and the White House.
Unfortunately, we have a decent, fair minded and civil man in the White House who refuses to accept that these people are so evil and has tried time and time again to reach for some consensus, for some bipartisan accommodation to include them, to give them some validation. But that is unacceptable to Republicans and they will not cooperate. They are even unwilling to help clean the mess they left behind after eight years of a failed Bush Presidency.

If it isn’t clear by now that Republicans are not going to cooperate…but to fight the ugliest of campaigns even if it screws up the country for generations to come…even if they privatize Social Security and eliminate Medicare/Medicaid, eliminate Public Education and enact even more legislation that would benefit the rich and the corporations…including an extension of the tax cuts for the very wealthy. I say then Mr. Obama will be a one term President like Jimmy Carter who like him was a decent man and a man who adhered to fair play and honorable actions. The better angel in both of them may very well be the cause of their political demise.