The Rooster is the symbol of the new anti-Palin dissident movement.
It is going to wake up America one fine morning and herald in the new day of freedom.
...Most of these are conjectures and exaggerations, most of which are
meant to be ironic...but if you think about it they are totally plausible if a wing-nut, incompetent douche bag like Sarah Palin is elected President.
The widespread fraud that took place during the 2012 elections have been clearly proven and documented. It is estimated that over 1 million votes were fraudulently cast and that the actions of police departments blocking polling places or positioning squad cars strategically around the voting precincts, stopping minorities going in and leaving after casting their ballots caused more than 400,000 to be intimidated and not vote.
Furthermore, there were districts that had their ballot boxes lost or stolen. These were heavily Democratic districts. This too was estimated to tally up in the hundreds of thousands. The way that the Tea Bag Party manipulated the Electoral College results is at best suspect.
For all of these reasons, Sara Palin the first female to be President of the United States is not considered the legitimate Commander in Chief.
After handing over the Presidency, reluctantly but peacefully, Barack Obama and his family departed for Kenya where they are now residing in a compound just outside the capital city of Nairobi. The American Embassy there is no longer loyal to Washington and it is operating as an independent entity, responding to Barack Obama as if he still was the President.
The people of Kenya, having themselves been subject to such tactics and seen elections stolen from them in the past, have come out in support of their favorite adopted son, they are standing in solidarity with ex-President Obama and the beleaguered American people, as news arrive from America of the civil unrest and the repression on the part of the National Guard. Although Obama refuses to get involved in the business of the Kenyan government he has been instrumental in convincing them to put an end to corruption and Kenya is today the most transparent and ethical governments in all of Africa.
President in Exile Obama has now admitted that he may have to bear the blame for the crisis as he was trying so hard to be accommodating and acted in the spirit of bipartisanship. When in reality the Republicans do not understand cooperation or civility. Obama has said so but now he says he is afraid he is a little too late and he was extremely naïve and soft on his critics.
After U.S. Secretary of State Prajean made homophobic and racist statements to the press, one after another; the African nations began to pull out their diplomats from their embassies in protest. The recall of the Kenyan Ambassador to Washington then heralded a mass rupture of diplomatic relations with all the countries in the African continent; not one country remains with formal diplomatic relations in protest to the Palin administration’s attitude towards race.
Meanwhile, Germany, France, Spain and Great Britain have committed themselves to fight the new Palin dictatorship by issuing condemnation and statements of repulsion over the suspension of Constitutional Law and the human rights abuses that have taken place since Palin’s inauguration. Large sums of money have now been donated both by these governments and private individuals and place in special accounts in Andorra.
Former Congressman Barney Frank, who technically is still the legitimate representative from Massachusetts, is heading the coalition of Americans in exile to bring down the Palin government. The amount of disagreement and dissent within the National Guard is almost paralyzing this military organization as the predominant force that is keeping the peace and maintaining order as more Americans are killed by them the guardsmen get very disgusted with their role. Desertion is rampant and many of them have taken to exile with their families in Mexico or Canada.
Barney Frank declared yesterday after Barack Obama made it known that he would not ever again serve as President…in no uncertain and emphatic terms, Obama said that it was somebody else’s turn and he suggested that Barney Frank should carry on the job. Barney Frank, if he succeeds, will be the 46th President of the United States and the first openly gay to occupy that office and Barney Frank accepted the challenge. Barney Frank further asked the Tea Baggers “if it was worth it to them to destroy the American nation so they could have a repressive, totalitarian, homophobic theocracy”.
The now silent Republican Party has admitted that not only did they make a big mess for Obama, but they caused the fragmentation that propelled the Tea Bag Party to power. They now realized that it was wrong of them to obstruct any legislation by Obama and to tolerate the Tea Baggers when they were carrying out all their attacks to vilify and discredit the President. They now know they should have put a stop to it. But this eureka moment comes a bit too late and they will remain the disgraced minority party.
A remarkable event took place when the now infamous C-Street house that played such an important role in the undermining of the Obama administration; a strategically placed bomb in the boiler room exploded and made the whole house implode with considerable damage to neighboring buildings. The bombing was deemed a terrorist attack but not one resident was killed or hurt which makes this a very suspect incident. In a surprise statement, Sarah Palin declared that it was the “Brotherhood” who blew up the house themselves in order to gain sympathy and she ordered the organization to be dissolved and has detained some of its members in undisclosed locations. Charges are pending, so far the only one facing prosecution is Mr. Pitts.
The US-Mexico border wall that was designed and built to keep Mexicans from coming into the US is now a barrier that prevents Americans from going into exile much in the same fashion that the Berlin Wall was preventing the East Germans from fleeing. There have been ten different incidents where the wall has been breached, two of them with powerful explosives and the other seven by bulldozers just tearing it down. The US has been unable to repair the breaches and has stationed additional National Guard troops to prevent the exodus. The Guardsmen are “looking the other way” and some of them have joined the exiting refugees.
Nobody knows what the future holds for America or how it is all going to unravel. There is of course a great deal of hope at the same time that a lot of concern and alarm for all those who are suffering, getting incarcerated or being killed in the conflict within the American territory. The first of many uprisings took place in Massachusetts when a breakaway faction of the National Guard refused to go and break up a demonstration in Boston. The Guardsmen were simply not willing to go and kill their American brothers and sisters. The rebellion was short lived and the dissident soldiers fled to Canada.
All the signs displayed remain in Federal, State and Municipal buildings that read: “White, Anglo-Saxon, Christian-Protestant and Heterosexual…If you don’t like it, just leave America” These signs are placed side by side with the Ten Commandments while the dollar kept falling and was replaced by the “Buck” that is estimated to be worth 1/10th of its former value.
A New Dawn