The dastardly attack on Pearl Harbor demonstrates that the Japanese are not our friends. We went to war over that attack, won the war against them; but did we? We pumped billions of dollars to rebuild their country and they rewarded us with transistor radios and cheap televisions…then they continued their quest to ruin America by cajoling their way into our automobile market until it was all but decimated.
The National Cherry Blossom Festival is a spring celebration in Washington, D.C. commemorating the March 27, 1912, gift of Japanese cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington. Mayor Ozaki donated the trees in an effort to enhance the growing friendship between the United States and Japan and also celebrate the continued close relationship between the two nations.
But it is kind of like the horse of Troy…it carries with it hypocrisy, a false intention and the trees are deceivingly pretty. Just like the religion of Islam presently, they are trying to project an image of a peace loving religion and are intent on building a “Learning Center” scarcely a couple of blocks away from the site of one of America’s largest tragedies: the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.
If I follow the way of thinking that these people on the extreme right have, then the cherry trees should be chopped down and the Japanese put into concentration camps…well, they were? Oh, then let us put those Muslims in concentration camps…tear down all their Mosques and burn their Koran in massive country wide demonstrations of repudiation for their religion…this is a Christian nation…there is no room for a religion that kills Christians.
What we need is a couple of hundred internment camps across America and put all Muslims there where they can’t hurt us or plan any further attacks on our nation. No Mosque should be built two blocks away from that sacred ground…or two miles away….or two states away…or two continents away for that matter.
Or we could really be creative; we could make a national law specifying what kinds of jobs Latinos and Blacks could do…they should only be doing: yard work, garbage pick-up, harvesting fruit and cotton, waiting on tables, cleaning offices and homes. Colleges have to stop letting in Latinos and Blacks, just the way it was back in the 1950’s; particularly Law Schools so we don’t get any more “uppity” Negroes.
But first we must deport 12 million illegal aliens because they are criminals, they have broken the law and have to pay the price…automatic citizenship to children born of illegal aliens should be outlawed.
They say: over 100 Muslims were also killed on 9/11…That doesn’t matter, they would kill their own mother for their religion…and so on…and so on…I think you get the idea of how the mind of the ultra-right wing-nut works.