Friday, September 10, 2010



J. Edgar Hoover

Arguably, the individuals who are responsible for what happens or does not happen in America today are those working behind the scenes, lurking in the shadows and wielding immeasurable power and influence. But make no mistake about it, they are in the pinnacle of influence and have to a great degree far more power than the American voter as far as policy making and the prevailing ideologies that ultimately shape our present and our future. These men filled the vacuum left by J. Edgar Hoover. They are the Koch brothers, G. Soros and R. Murdoch.

Not too long ago; only one man held that power: J. Edgar Hoover. As Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, not only did he have his hand on the pulse of America, he also had the cord in his hand and could unplug her life support system had he wanted to.

For decades J. Edgar Hoover held on to his power in what many call a parallel police state, an American version of the Soviet KGB. It was widely known that he kept files on all prominent and even not so prominent Americans. His dossiers on people ranged from those on the left and the right alike. Hoover was feared and much to the chagrin of many…untouchable.

It is perhaps to his credit that he wielded his power with a certain degree of measure and restraint. Had he wanted to, he could have easily stepped into the highest office in the land and even rendered both houses of Congress and the Judiciary irrelevant.

But make no mistake about it, J. Edgar Hoover was a right wing fanatic, he held ideologies that would be considered in the fringes of extreme fanaticism and those included all the conspiracy theories of the day.

Hoover was friends with the likes of Joe McCarthy and others in the extreme right. Hoover even helped McCarthy with his witch hunt endeavors by providing information obtained by the FBI.

J. Edgar Hoover, Royal Miller, Clyde Tolson and Joseph McCarthy

Hoover with life-long partner Clyde Tolson

Hoover was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director until his death in 1972. Hoover is credited with building the FBI into a large and efficient crime-fighting agency, and with instituting a number of modern innovations to police technology, such as a centralized fingerprint file and forensic laboratories; but a much feared and powerful state run investigative agency nevertheless.

His critics have accused him of exceeding the jurisdiction of the FBI because used the agency to harass political dissenters and activists, to amass secret files on political leaders, and to collect evidence using illegal methods. It is because of Hoover's long and controversial reign that FBI directors are now limited to 10-year terms. Hoover served under FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.

But J. Edgar Hoover had an Achilles heel: he was rumored to be a closeted homosexual. Actually it is hard not to think so since he and life-long partner Clyde Tolson were inseparable. They lived together, worked together, ate together and even vacationed together. Much can be speculated about a weird relationship like the one they had. But one thing is for sure, in Washington circles it was treated as one of those wink and ignore situations where if you said anything you could end up in an unwanted exile after being knocked down from your perch of the high branches of the feeding chain.