Thursday, September 9, 2010



We sometimes do things with the best of intentions and they turn out to be harmful in the long run. Nobody really knows what the result of some of our actions will be in the near and far future. One thing is for sure, if you start with the premise that something is being done with the purpose to harm or create havoc the results can be devastating to a community or even the whole of humanity.

That is why I am so concerned about the divisiveness and the vitriolic tone of our present day politics. I am most disturbed by the distrust and xenophobia and the religious intolerance. It is something that is not going to have any good impacts or results in the future.

For example; when I was a youngster I planted a Jacaranda tree far too close to the house we owned in Cuba. It grew and had beautiful flowers but in the process of growing it also began to encroach the nearby back porch. The root system began to lift the foundations and there was a noticeable tilt in the back porch roof.

Although you may think that roots cannot harm the foundation of your home, you are mistaken. Tree roots can be an enemy to structures and foundation if they come into contact with the concrete or block or the dirt underneath your foundation. They can push against the foundation of your home, causing it to crack or gap, which can cause damage to every part of the home. That is why it is important to plant any trees carefully to ensure that you will keep your home and foundation safe and strong.

Roots can travel quite a distance underground, so you want to the specifications on any tree that you choose to see what the mature width of the root system and the tree itself will be to keep your home and foundation safe. One thing to keep in mind is that the root system of a tree can be three times the height of your tree. This means that you need to watch how high your tree grows, especially if it is planted near your home.

Johnny Appleseed probably didn’t think of any of these problems way back then…he had the best of intentions as he was spreading seed across the land. I had no idea that the tree I was planting was going to cause such damage either.

Upon my return to Cuba fifty years later and out of curiosity I decided to visit my childhood home. I knocked at the door and the lady who answered was a bit distraught because she thought I was coming back to reclaim the property but once I assured her that those were not my intentions we went inside and she showed me what had been my home for the first fourteen years of my life.

When we got to the back of the house I noticed a significant incline in the kitchen floor and then when she opened the back door; forcefully because it was so far out of whack I realized that the back porch was gone. Without me asking, the lady said: “I would like to know who was the stupid bastard who planted that Jacaranda so close to the house?” and continued on to the backyard where she raised chickens.

This asshole Florida pastor is intent on burning the Koran on the anniversary of September 11th regardless of all the pleas to the contrary. He is ignoring the loud voices that have objected, he has not paid heed to the warnings that this will cause American lives and he has not even taken into consideration that this will harm our country for many years to come.

Sometimes the results of our actions are harmful. Sometimes we don’t know that what we are doing will cause havoc but if you are warned, if you are aware that it will have negative consequences then you are an asshole and a very antisocial low life.

What is the solution? I might humbly suggest that this is not really an issue of free speech but the intentions to commit a hate crime. Just as you can’t yell “FIRE” in a crowded theater, this low life should not be allowed to do such an insulting and harmful hate crime…the authorities should stop him before he does and the first amendment would still be intact because in the process we are not telling him he can’t preach hatred, but we are telling him he can’t commit a hate crime while doing so. Actions speak louder than words and I think it is time we all took a deep breath and think of the consequences of our actions.

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