Wednesday, September 8, 2010



It gets them very upset when we accuse them of being racists. The Republicans and Tea Baggers can’t stand it when we call them out on this issue. They get all bent out of shape because if they show outrage then they think we are going to believe they are not racist. The harder they deny it the more we find proof to the opposite.

I looked at the components of the Republican National Convention…you know the one…where they nominated McCain and the gift that keeps on giving…Sarah Palin; my observation was unequivocal: there were very few Black or Latino faces. But that is not where my deductions led me…I started to listen to their message, I watched for key words, hidden meanings and code talking points that most people would not suspect are directed towards that ultra-right conservative, xenophobic, homophobic and racist fringes of the GOP.

But it didn’t stop there, as time went by, the messages were no longer hidden…they came out and made some very racist, xenophobic and homophobic declarations. They were no longer timid to show their true colors. Of course, as they would explain it, these are fringes, real radical elements of either the GOP or the Tea Bag movement. They say they reject it, that they are not racists or xenophobes but one thing remains constant: they never denounce those fringe elements nor do they admonish them in any way.

Republicans stood by during those August Town Hall Meeting disruptions and they were quietly rejoicing, they even applauded when Chicago didn’t get the Olympic games. The truth is that I have yet to see any Republican or Tea Bagger strongly reject or denounce any of these racist remarks.

Time and time again they continue to turn a deaf ear, look the other way because they think that this is the kind of thing that dehumanizes our President and the polarization is good for them because it energizes their base.We see their signs, we hear their disparaging hatred being spewed, and just like we see them, so must the Republicans and Tea Baggers see them, yet they do nothing.

We are now contemplating one very insane and unconstitutional legislation that is welcomed by those who are racists…although some of them don’t think they are, they are under the impression that all blacks, aliens and Muslims are un-American and therefore should be excluded from their Party and from participatory democracy. I can’t ever take that picture away from my mind of the woman who tearfully uttered the words: “they are taking away my America”

The right wing radio commentators are getting away with some very spectacular racist statements and the lies and misrepresentations continue with not even one single Republican ready to denounce them and reject what they are saying. This has to stop because some Americans are buying into the lies and demagoguery.

Sadly, there is one wing nut religious type right here in Florida who is hell bent on conducting a Koran burning on September 11; this he will do even if Generals and others have expressed that doing so will cost lives and put all our troops in danger. This asshole insists in doing so and he says "we are praying about it". That is precisely what I am talking about when I think of fanaticism. This nut case does not realize that it was fanatics much like himself who carried out the attacks on 9/11 and the whole Muslim religion should not be blamed...much the same way that all of Christianity should not be blamed for the crap he intends to carry out on that anniversary.