Saturday, September 18, 2010


The Luo Tribe fought valiantly against the gods.

The Luo tribe is Kenya's third largest ethnic group following the Kikuyu and Luhya. Luos make up approximately 12 percent of Kenya's population. Luos, a Nilotic people, also live in smaller numbers in Uganda and Tanzania. In Kenya, the Luo reside in the regions around Lake Victoria. The Lango and Acholi tribes of Uganda are considered to be clans of the Luo tribe since their language is similar to the Luo language, Dholuo.

Historians believe that the Luo and other Kenyan Nilotic tribes originally came from the Nile regions of Sudan, entering Kenya through Northern Uganda. Upon their arrival in Kenya, Luos settled in the present day Nyanza Province, where they are neighbors to the Kisii, Luhya and Kipsigis tribes.

Luo Culture, Lifestyle & Religion

Luo people are among the few Kenyan tribes that do not traditionally circumcise their males as an initiation to manhood. Instead, in Luo traditions, initiation involves the removal of six front teeth - three each from the upper and lower jaws.

Another unique Luo custom is wife inheritance whereby, if a man dies, one of his brothers or close relatives inherits his widow and must meet all of her marital requirements. The Luo mourning ceremony, tero buru, is still widely practiced. This is a unique, elaborate and dramatic ceremony that symbolizes the departure of a loved one.

While most Luos are now Christians, many still uphold most of their traditional cultural customs. This is especially true for those living in the rural areas. However, some of the Luo cultural practices now regarded as retrogressive are slowly fading away, such as wife inheritance.

Perhaps one of the most interesting and noticeable attributes common among the elite, educated or urban Luo people is their flamboyant character and sense of style, in addition to their polished and eloquent command of the English language, otherwise known as The Queen's English.

The Luo tribe has traditionally produced many scholars and other educated persons, including some who have graduated from very prestigious colleges around the world. As a result, Luo professionals are dominant in nearly every area of the Kenyan economy, business and government, serving as university professors, doctors, engineers and lawyers.

This proclivity for the intellectual and the desire for obtaining an education is not an accident. It is believed that because of their genetic heritage the Luo tribe is intellectually receptive and can learn easily.

The folk history is somewhat fuzzy. But there is a tale that the elders will recite in their Dholuo language that tells the story of the brave warriors who fought valiantly against the Gods; it is believed that a fiery chariot came down from the skies and splashed into Lake Victoria. Out of the chariot, still burning hot came these very short green creatures that seemed friendly at first but who began to eliminate all the males of the tribe. Back in the village, the men got together and picked up their spears and other arms and marched off to face the invading gods. They were no match for the little green men who possessed some kind of lightening box…it would emit these thunderous rays that would incinerate the men warriors instantly. But they all faced the gods, and one by one they were evaporated.

The little green men advanced to the village where they did away with any male children and even the elder males of the tribe. The women were herded off and forced to go into their chariot where they were put to sleep and seeded with the life essence of the god visitors.

It is not clear from the folklore at what point in history this took place as the tale was told from father to son and so forth. But if you look closely at the Luo people you can almost detect a greenish hue to their skins…unlike the other related tribes that are blacker and even purplish in appearance.

This folk story somewhat gives credence that the President of the United States even though was born in Hawaii from a white Kansas woman and a black Kenyan father is indeed a descendant of aliens from outer space. And then again, I could have just made all of it up as some of these right conservative wing nuts have done with some of their outlandish stories.

This island in the middle of Lake Victoria is disputed by Uganda and Kenya but it is believed to be the spot where the gods landed their chariot.