Saturday, September 18, 2010



I like to be fair and try to accept this person for what she believes in. But experience has taught me that individuals like her are sexually repressed, frustrated and extremely hypocritical. They would like nothing more than to control other people’s sex lives when their own is either non-existent or totally meaningless.

We have found others like her that eventually have been exposed for sordid affairs or for using this posture against anything sexual as a protective mechanism to hide their own inadequacies and hang ups.

Ms. O’Donnell does not behave in a way that one would interpret a normal, healthy young woman would behave and her repulsion for sex almost borders on psychosis. O'Donnell is an unmarried conservative Christian known for her vocal opposition to abortion, pornography, extramarital sex and masturbation.

If I didn’t know any better I would even go out on a limb and say that the woman probably owns a couple of dozen assorted size dildoes. If she doesn’t she is as frigid as going through Sarah Palin’s Alaska in your skivvies.

It is perfectly acceptable to me to have your own sexual preferences and even adopt an abstinence position…but that should only be limited to yourself and not others. What she has done, and has been even making a living at it; is using this goodie-goodie two shoes position to push her agenda on others while profiting from it.

Most Americans believe that sex, sexual relations and one’s own sexual behavior is something very private and very personal. Neither government nor any other individual should try to either influence or change our own choices and our own feelings on these matters.

Most people, I would say the majority of Americans have a healthier and more realistic view of sexual relations than this woman. What seems more egregious is that she is interjecting religion into it much in the same way that Evangelicals and Mormons do it to control the lives of their adherents. That is unacceptable to most of us and they should be told to stay out of our bedrooms…both their religions and the government.

Wake up America…this woman is a fraud.

PHOTO SOURCE:,r:1,s:12&biw=1008&bih=569